
Meeting Minutes

July 7 2021

PRESENT:  Harriet Mason, President; Colleen Jacks, Vice-President; Marge Johnson, Secretary; Linda Witte, Treasurer; Phyllis Anderson, Voters Services; Carolyn Dobler, Actions/Advocacy; Cindy Olson, Communications

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Linda Witte reported on membership revenue and expenses.  Expenditures included the annual post office box fee and the LWVMN State Convention registration fees. Linda will send an updated membership roster to all members.

President’s Report:  

  • Our new website launched on July 4.  You can find us at www.lwvstpeter.org  We have a basic framework for how our content will be organized.  Please check in occasionally to see what’s new.  We are in need of help with content, so if this is something you might be interested in helping with, please let us know.  You can even send a message right from the website.  

  • LWV-St. Peter President Harriet Mason reports that at the monthly President’s Call meeting for all MN League Presidents, discussion focused on expanding training in technology and creating a newsletter for members, plus ways to engage members.

  • On July 9, Michelle Witte hosted a Zoom forum on the LWVMN climate change position, in conjunction with the South Central Minnesota Clean Energy Council.   This forum was open to all members and the public.

Board Meetings/Communication:  

  • Board members agreed to continue meeting the first Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except for September, when we will be meeting on the first Thursday, September 2, with invited guest Kristin Smight of LWVMN, who will be talking to us about the Mini Database -- see State Convention Reports below).. 

  • Secretary Marge Johnson will send board minutes out to all board members for review and approval.  Final minutes will be used for the new Board Blog and member monthly newsletter.  Board and League members are encouraged to notify Cindy Olson if they have items for publication.

State Convention Reports:

  • Colleen Jacks reported issues discussed at the state convention.  The League takes positions on issues it considers vital to a healthy democracy.  The consensus this year is to focus attention on threats to voter rights.

  • Linda Witte reported on the Mini Database, a valuable tool to help manage data on the local chapter level.  A video tutorial can be found on the LWVMN website (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlJa3Inr2CY).   The board has invited Kristin Smith, LWVMN Communications Director, to join us at an upcoming meeting to help us learn more.  

  • People-Powered Fair Maps: Carolyn Dobler and Colleen Jacks reported that redistricting did not receive a lot of attention at the State Convention.  A special redistricting panel comprised of five judges panel has been selected by Republican, Democratic, and Independent party representatives to act as an independent commission should the legislature be unable to agree on a redistricting plan.  The courts have been called to intervene in all redistricting initiatives in the past 60 years, which brings an additional cost to state taxpayers.  The League will work to encourage the State Legislature to make the Independent Panel the permanent tool for redistricting.  Paul Huffman, LWVMN Redistricting Coordinator, stated that there are no major state level gerrymandered issues but encouraged local Leagues to be active in local redistricting initiatives on the county and local levels.  Carolyn recommended our local league contact our city councils and county commissioners to find out their redistricting plans and encourage transparency in the process.

Member Meetings:  

  • After our summer hiatus, the next member meeting will be in person on September 9, 2021 at 7pm in the Traverse de Sioux Room (102) at the St. Peter Community Center.  Guests will be Todd Prafke, Saint Peter City Administrator, and Bill Gronseth, Saint Peter Schools Superintendent to speak about the upcoming local elections.  

  • Discussion regarding which upcoming meetings will be held in person and which online via Zoom is ongoing.  

  • We are searching for an affordable (ie.,no-cost) venue to conduct some of our member meetings in Mankato.  Suggestions are welcome.

Voter Services: 

  • Juneteenth Celebration (Mankato City Center Plaza 6/19/21):  Phyllis Anderson reported that League members were able to engage with a lot of people and answer questions about what LWV-St. Peter does.  

  • July 4th Parade, St. Peter:  We had a car, marchers, candy-tossers, sign carriers, and people handing out business cards.   It was a hot but joyous event, with lots of applause and cheers from the crowd as we passed by.  In addition to League members, we had family members and friends join us.  We hope to make this an annual event.

  • Phyllis Anderson wrote the LWV-St. Peter application for the Martin Brown Grant, which was awarded to us.  Funding could be used for the purchase of an awning to use over our hospitality table at outdoor events.

  • Phyllis Anderson reported a member engagement committee is being formed to to recruit, welcome, mentor, and educate new members.  

Upcoming Events:  Consider volunteering to help out! We will provide training and support.

  • Sept. 11:  PRIDEFest Mankato - outdoor table event

  • Sept. 11: Rock Bend Folk Festival - Saint Peter -- outdoor table event

  • Sept. 14:  Candidate Forum - St. Peter School Board  -- 7pm Saint Peter High School Performing Arts Center

  • Sept. 23:  Candidate Forum - St. Peter City Council -- 7pm Saint Peter High School Performing Arts Center.

  • More information on these events to come. Watch for it in your email and on the website, or contact lwvstpeter@lwvmn.org

General Announcements:

  • League members are reminded to keep track of hours spent volunteering at our events.  These will be included in our annual report.

  • If you have suggestions or ideas  for our website -- or care to work on the Communications Committee, please contact Cindy Olson at: lwvstpeter@lwvmn.org

  • LWV/Crystal/New Hope/East Plymouth/Robbinsdale is offering a roundtable discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Monday, June 19.  Learn “what it means to implement a DEI policy and how to turn those words into action, in our own Leagues and in collaboration with each other”. For more information and a link to register for a Zoom invitation, please use this link:  DEIRoundtable