Nicollet County Commissioner Candidate Forum

Candidates for Nicollet County Commissioner Region 3 met at the KTV studio on the Bethany College Campus in Mankato on January 11 to share their visions for serving on the County Board. (L-R: David Haack, Kenneth DeWitte, and Mark Dehen). LWV-St. Peter Area President Harriet Mason served as moderator. The primary election is Fb 8, with the special election on April 12. The seat was held by Denny Kemp, who passed away last fall. The forum was recorded and can be viewed at: Nicollet County Commissioner Forum Jan. 11 2021.

July 4th Parade

St. Peter, MN 7/4/21

  • Thanks to marchers, drivers, sign carriers, banner holders, and candy tossers: Members Lynn Solo, Edi Thorstensson, Colleen Jacks, Kate Martens, Carolyn Dobler, Cindy Olson, and our parade guests. We heard lots of applause and cheering from the crowd as we moved down the parade route.

Juneteenth Celebration

Mankato Civic Center Plaza, June 19, 2021

  • Thanks to Pat Conn, Cathy Ahern, Margo Druschel, Mary Kendall, Pei-loh-Lo, Kate Martens, and Diane Norland for greeting voters at the booth.