People Powered Fair Maps: Making the Census Count for You

The 2020 US Census was delayed due to the COVID pandemic and other resulting obstacles. But now the numbers are in, having been released and reported to the MN Secretary of State in September. So what happens next? Well, a lot. From the state to the local level, members of various government entities will be gathering to use census data to draw up maps — from Congressional to State Senate and House districts, to county, city, and school boards. This is a process called “redistricting.”

How does this impact us on a local level? Maps determine where you vote and how you are represented. Election law requires maps to be fair and equal. The League of Women Voters supports a process that is transparent (ie., open to the public) as well.

Have questions about the census and redistricting? We’ve gathered some resources to help . Or please contact us with your questions by going to Contact Us.
